I am a poet, dancer, researcher and biodynamic craniosacral student. I am interested in convergences between the body, somatics and writing and using movement/dance as a way of connecting with and more deeply embodying imagination. My work is rooted in a conversation with the more-than-human world and I am greatly inspired by the wild Atlantic I live beside in Galway. Whilst diverse in the strands through which I undertake my inquiry, my aim is ultimately the same in all the various pursuits I undertake; how can I increase my capacity to listen; how can I get out of the way and let a greater knowing move through me.
Dance is what you see, what you smell. It’s what you hear. It’s how you bring your consciousness and awareness to your experience. So if I bring my consciousness to a tree, and then I bring that consciousness into my body, then that becomes a dance experience for me. I’ve always said, ‘Dance is the breath made visible’ — Anna Halprin